Monday, January 26, 2009

The Shins-Girl Sailor (Paper #2)

The gutter may profess it's love
Then follow it with hesitation
For there are just so many of
You out there for rent

A stronger girl would shake this off in flight
And never give it more than a frowning hour
But you have let your heart decide
Loss has conquered you

You've won one too many fights
Wearing many hats every time
But you won't win here tonight

You made it through the direst of straits alright
Can you help it if plain love now seems less interesting?
You haven't changed an ounce in my eyes
And I cannot lecture you

And does anything I say seem relevant at all?
You've been at the helm since you were just five
While I cannot claim to be more than a passenger

But, you've won one too many fights
Wearing all of your clothes at the same time
Let the good times in tonight
Oh girl, sail her, don't sink her
This time

Just a moment or two from now
Not a mind will retain even a trace
Of the thoughts that I struggle to tell
And how our stack of cards just fell

So settle this once and for all
The light no longer shows the cracks around my door
And I have no lantern to light your way home tonight

You are not some saint who's above
Giving someone a stroll through the flowers
You've got so much more to dream of
Oh girl, sail her, don't sink her
This time
This time
This time.

The Shins are an Indie pop alternative rock band or something like that. They are originally from Albuquerque but now they reside in Portland. That’s not important, but what is, is their music and how incredible it is. Their songs have an upbeat bouncy sing along feel to them, with the occasional sad mellow song. They have been featured in many movies and tv shows such as, Scrubs and Garden State. They are also a very popular band not only in the states but in the UK, Europe and all over the world. Their song,"Girl Sailor," from the album, “Wincing the Night Away,” sets off a huge chain reaction of thoughts and memories in my head. The song, from what I can interpret, is about a guy and girl who have split up and they both know they will not get back together. The guy in the song is talking about how the girl seems more experienced than him with, “You’ve been at the helm since you were just 5." He also tells her to, "Oh girl, sail her, don't sink her," this statement could be referring to him telling her not to mess up anymore relationships or decisions in life. I guess it all depends on how you take it in.

Surprisingly even though I know the meaning of the song; it still makes me think of one thing, the relationship I am currently in, ironic aye? Yes I know it seems pretty weird but this song makes me think of my girlfriend who goes to the Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD. This is where the song title,”Girl Sailor,” comes in to play. It is a simple metaphor, she is a girl and the Navy has ships which make her a girl sailor. It never fails, this song always makes me think of her, but hopefully we won’t end up like the couple in the song. This starts another mind jump too when I went snowboarding with her and friends, which was the first time I had seen her since school ended. I absolutely love snowboarding and I feel so relaxed just gliding down the mountain.

Yet again my thoughts skedaddle off and it reminds me of my trip to Argentina and when I went snowboarding in San Carlos De Bariloche, which in my opinion is the most gorgeous place on this earth. It also reminds me of how I left for Argentina the day after graduation and I didn’t get to see my friends and family for two months. This trip helps me recall talking to my current girlfriend, my, “Girl Sailor,” on my laptop in the lodge at the base of the mountain and actually I had been dating another girl at the time.

Well wouldn’t you know it, my trip makes me think of another memory, and it is about the day I flew back to the states. The first family members I had seen since my trip were my grandparents from New Jersey. I lived with them in my early childhood and I have stayed very close to them. Funny how this all works out, but they have a boat, a big one, a 40ft monster which we take on a cruise in the Chesapeake Bay every summer. I’ve been around boats all my life and I basically grew up on one. Obviously this also makes me think of the song, “Girl Sailor,” because of the boat and water. I have been all over the Delaware River and all around the Chesapeake Bay, including Annapolis. Annapolis of course is currently where my girlfriend goes to the Naval Academy. It is amazing how I have ventured to this city at least 20 times and I absolutely love it. It’s a small old historic town full of lively people. Who would have known that this city would have such a huge impact on my life? Like the ride at Disney World, I guess it is a small world after all. I think it is absolutely crazy how, The Shins, and their song, “Girl Sailor,” jumpstarts all of these emotional memories in my mind.


  1. It's strange and awesome how certain places are magnetic like that...Lexington and Albuquerque are both like that for me. I never thought I'd end up in Lexington, and I've been trying to leave ever since I moved here...still here :-)


  2. This song is very deep and sad but it also has alot of meaning! Life is funny on how it turns things around on you..but it seems that the cards are in your favor and that Annapolis is a place to be branded in your life! Good luck with your girlfriend!

